Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012


Dear Readers,

Hello. My name is Agus Pramono [friends called me Agus Pram] from Indonesia. I am just a cloud digger [strange occupation/?]. I am struggling to collect small change, pieces into pieces, dimes after dimes, to build a new mountain from them.
Feeling so disappointed, tired and exhausted is somewhat familiar as my daily food. But I almost never lost my appetite. That is very normal in life indeed. Sweat, tear, blood is such kind of accessories for a battler who don't want to be dependent and spoiled toward live.

Internet as many people said is like an ocean where it is full of money. But, since so far, I couldn't see them, even the splash. That's why I change my attempt to become cloud digger. Who knows that up in the sky, there are a lot of money which will pour to the earth.

There is never easy to earning in internet. There is nothing free although they said it thousand times in their promotion. There are a lot of potential chances in doing such business based on internet. There are too many traps, scams, flavoring words. Although, there are still few of them are paying. We should be so patient and patient. Who plan it, they will harvest it. That's one of my motivation to keep struggling in earning from internet.

I wrote this blog is to give the readers recommendation about what I did. Not recommendation  but just share experience  There are so many types, so many websites, so many money providers from all over the world. But, why it seems like nothing is too easy to flow the money into our home, our wallet. Is it really there is no chance anymore for us to get even just a dime?

There are many source of money, from affiliation, web-making, blogging, mail-reading, paid to surf, paid to survey, paid to click, pay per view, paid to login, forex trading, and many others. There are also many word crafters  - in the form of texts or videos who will make us pulled into their influence - like being hypnotized. They provide a promise to make us a wealthy life in the future.

Above all, doing real business, like breeding, farming or others. That is why we should stay struggling as hard as we can. Don't worry, we will never run our sweat out from our body. Keep digging. When we dig on the land, we might find treasure. But I prefer dig on the cloud just to show that it is never so easy to earn a dime, because the rain always pours water, not money. Do you like to join me? Share with me? Just follow my travelling and adventures, from one cloud to another cloud.
FASTEN your Seat-belt, pals.

See you there, partners.

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